Friday, December 27, 2013

Our Sadness

We haven't blogged in a while, and for that we apologize.  This Fall has been packed with many family activities.  If you're wondering where we are, we are still in the house, on land.  We have decided to postpone our Southern journey for this winter (2013-2014) due to family matters.  That said, we are still in Maryland for this winter, making the best of the weather. 

We also want to tell you how sad we are that Zander, our mackerel tabby, became ill and took us on an emotional 3-week ride in September and October which ended with an obvious, yet painful decision.  We miss him so much and really loved our short trips with him and looked forward to having him on board with us full time.  RIP Zander.  You left us way too soon.


We will attempt to catch up on our blog with the work that was finished in the Fall and what we are planning for the winter.  Mike is back at work for a while, so we're also re-building the cruising kitty after having gone a little over budget.  But hey, it's a boat, so it's what is expected.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jenny and Mike - I'm so sorry for the loss of your Zander. It is so sad to lose a beloved pet. Love - Lise
